Copenhagen Cool
Well that was a great decision!
Back in February I booked a weekend away in Copenhagen for May, to make sure I was out of the country at the time of That Wedding. I’m a republican (with a small “r”) and have no time for the medieval “royal family” garbage.
It worked. Unless I chose to subject myself to Twitter or Facebook, I was totally cut off from it. Wonderful.

Copenhagen is a city I visited many times over a 15 year period straddling the 1990s. Mostly it was just an overnight stop on the way to somewhere further east or north. I also attended a conference there in 1994, which allowed a bit more of an insight to the city.
It was fantastic to be back after so long, and to be blessed with beautiful late spring weather. I’d forgotten how gorgeous the city is. One lovely building after another, one wonderful open space after another. The sea…

Saturday Brunch
Leaving aside the background music for a moment, I packed several highlights into 48 hours. First, a reunion with Mariel B. She is such good company. Polyglot, multicultural and a bundle of fun.
Next, the World Ice Hockey Championship semifinal between Canada and Switzerland. Aside from being a real privilege to get to an event like that, it was a great game.

Big Event
Last but not least – a trip on the train north to Helsingør to visit Kronborg Slot – the 16th century castle which became the backdrop for Shakespeare’s Hamlet. I enjoyed going around it, but also getting out of the city on a sunny, spring Sunday.

On a short 2 night trip the travel and accommodation arrangements being “right” is important, so well done Norwegian Air and easyJet for getting me there and back on time and stress free.

Well done also to Airbnb and Morten for providing me with an ideal place to stay.
ⓒ iain taylor, 2018